Tuesday, November 13, 2007

heylls beylls!

Ok, so it's November. NOVEMBER!!! Apparently last year we had quite the "buttload" of snow dumped on us. I know I'm not a BIG fan of the winter and all..but dang it..if it's going to be cold, it'd better snow with it! I need beauty to look at! And that involves white fluffy snips of magic falling from the sky instead of dark ominous looming clouds that hide the sunlight.

Umm. I take that back. We've seen quite a few days of sunlight too. :D Every day I see the sun rising on my way to work, and it looks BEAUTIFUL! SO I suppose the snow COULD stay away for a while. (it's 80 outside right now! :O )

Although this whole usurpation of the weather has got me a bit worried and irritated.


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