Sunday, April 20, 2008


My favorite animation of all time:

It almost makes me allegorize the Cathedral for the human body/mind. But it's strange...Ironically, every time I see the animation, and when the man becomes the pillar I feel free, when that's clearly not what's happening. A part of me feels like in becoming a part of the Cathedral he realizes his place/oneness with everything. That although he may have been a free-living, moving, and acting entity he was composed of nothing more than the dirt that composes the pillars.

And I have NO CLUE if any of that made any sort of sense! :P

This week has been SOO TREMENDOUSLY awesome! :D I traveled so much that my head's spinning! Along with the rest of me! I seriously, SERIOUSLY do not envision my future in life without traveling. It's what I live, and breathe for. I just wrote this, on a whim, ...again! :P

Take me there.

Show me the Universe

Feel freedom.

*copyrighted* :)

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