Saturday, February 17, 2007

*global warming*

Dr. Essani: "Don't believe it when someone tells you he/she loves you! THEY MAY JUST BE IN HEAT!!!"


O man, I love how life is so busy. The other day Sandhya and I just sat for an hour contemplating how we swoon upon ourselves, when in fact, in the context of it all..the Universe, and Everything, life doesn't even matter! So then I asked why we even thought so highly of our individual selves (self's?), and we concluded that it was just to survive. In order to survive, we must think of our own well-being, or else we'd die.

So I ask you...why do we need to survive?


Boomer said...

Personally, I've always wondered why I was given the life that I have. For instance, why am I Amanda, and not Shruti, or Mike, or Dr. Stapleton? How was it decided that this is the person I will be, and what sort of impact will I even have?

shruts said...

Yea! Why on flippin' earth couldn't I be Arthur Dent and see the gosh darn Universe! WHY?!

But what amazes me is our will to succeed when we're one millionth of the gazillionly small blip that is our earth..and I have no clue what purpose we serve. I mean, sure, we're impacting the Earth right? But what impact does THAT have? Is the sun going to go "OMG! My dearest liveliest planet is being mutilated by these strange doo-dahs! I MUST commit suicide!" *and implodes* *heh*

Anonymous said...


shruts said...

:D KATE! I MISSED HAVING YOU IN MY WORLD TOO! How the heck is Planet Alabama?!

Anonymous said...

its totally LAME. nothing to doooooo. except hang out with david when he is home... Hows the land of WMU?

shruts said...

The land...tis MUCH clearer now..we've seen the SUN IN THE LAST TWO DAYS! Holy crap..that in and of itself deserves to be the end of the world..that like, NEVER happens! It's against the laws of Michigan's nature. But ofcourse, the endless friggin' war between snow and light..and SNOW WINNING..shall continue all next week. *BOO* *fake fart*