Thursday, February 22, 2007

chocolate lions

I was trying to sleep last night, and saw a stain on my wall.

It looks like a lion eating a heart. :o

...but it's a chocolate stain. I have the wonderful ability to stain stuff with chocolate. *woops* I shall have an entertaining picture of it soon. :)

I've been WORKING MY BUTT OFF @ Stapletons! OMG..peoples, pray to the Spaghetti monster, or the chocolate god, or just about any heavenly entity for me getting results! O dear..I really want this to happen. I really want good results to me.

And I officially think homo sapiens that determine the weather, aka weathermen, are retarded or slow or something. I mean..ok, you've got your fancy computer models, and so called intelligence in deeming the weather a certain way...but for crying out loud! JUST STEP OUTSIDE before telling us it's going to be warm! *baah*


Anonymous said...

yum chocolate...

if it makes you feel any better yesterday I somehow go chocolate on my sleeve. So i just rolled it way up. About 4 hours later Dave had a chocolate spot on the front of his shirt...

Were we eating chocolate yesterday? No we were not....

shruts said...

haha..i LOVE mysterious chocolate stains..they're deliciously secretive..but still good to swoon at. ;)

Boomer said...

Shruti. Just because you made your blog private, does NOT mean you get lazy on your updating!!

*feels deprived*