Thursday, April 27, 2006


DUDES!!! THE SEMESTER HATH ENDED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *shrieks reverberating across the world*

WOA..I SERIOUSLY think I ACED that last Quant final..let me rephrase..super-aced! like...a 100%!!!!!!!! :o I'm a tad worried about physics, and oops, I didn't realize an A in there was above a 95% until the day of the final. *naive guilty look* And thus far I've got around 90% on all my tests, hopefully *crosses fingers* by some magical intervention, perhaps of the noodly appendage of the FSM, I can get an A. *prays-Dear FSM, could you PLEASE touch my physics final and make it like 100% and give me an A?*

Its been a ridiculously sleepless past two weeks. O man, I found out about that whole not being able to pay for my last year here on Wed. last week, freaked out about that all day Thursday, had my stipend report due Friday and paper cut my finger on it...and the blood subsequently flowed all over my Quant Exam 3 that same day, MCATs were on Saturday, the very day after that mess. Went home, slept at 5:30 till 11:00am the next morning, freaked out about my Pathology and Biochem finals for Monday (made an o-so-gohgeous poster), then spent all day & night cramming for a physics final on Wed, then spend the rest of Wed-day and night studying for Quant, which was today. And now I'll spend all night writing my proposal extension, which is due tomorrow. *pause* Thats AFTER I FRIKKIN' PAHTAE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dude, it has been tough. Exhaustiing. For the first time, I truly recognize myself as an official part of life. Until now it was just, o, school school school, friends friends friends. Now its...LIVE LIVE LIVE! *eesh* I'm so tired. All I want to do is go back to my home in India for a week, watch some more cool cancer surgeries, be amazed and inspired, and return to live another 10 million years of life. But its cool. Its so cool that I understand how tough life truly is. I've come to a whole new understanding about true friendship, about true effort and understanding in my classes, and most of all, about how awesome my family and lab mates are, all in the past 6 months! I don't know how I could live my life any differently. Dude..its awesome! *pictures Crush from Finding Nemo*

Anywho, one of my friends is in a philosophy class, and his final exam was simply this:
And he answered: "Why not?"
And he got an A!!!!
And I've heard rumors about this before, but didn't realize it could actually be true. And he's like a genius! No kidding..if it were me, I'd go into this humongiferous conversation about WHY?!!!! Why is life the way it is? Why am I here? Why do we need to know? Why do we live when we do so much damage to this earth? Why? Pages and pages, on and on. Thats me. heh.

I shall depart with this: (in class before pathology exam)
Me: "Hey, you have any gum on you?"
Erin: "Yup" *hands me Trident gum*
Me: "I've heard that chewing gum or pepperming before a stressful situation makes you think better"
Erin: "Well yea, if your jaw is moving your brain must be doing SOMETHING!"


Boomer said...

"All other nerds tremble in his presence!"

"You look like some kind of super nerd--like you were made in a laboratory from parts of lesser nerds."

shruts said...

*Imagines HIM* *trembles*