Saturday, April 29, 2006

5 and a half inches!!!!!

Wow, I had a major lapse of spoken wordage yesterday. I said the wierdest stuff, and it just floweth out of my mouth! Its because of the massive pimple I tell ye! Somehow, I managed to claim that I was five and a half inches tall, which I wish I were, since that would increase my understanding of the 'lesser' world. ;) No kidding, when I was little, in boarding school in India, we had this HUGE field out back, where we practiced for heats. And every morning while picking up eucalyptus leaves to clear the field, my friends and I would imagine a whole world of tiny gypsies in the grass! And apparently, if you actually saw one you could wish for something and it would come true. O how I wished and wished and wished that I saw one! I think it would be incredibly cool to 'get down' and dirty with the smaller creatures of life. I think its fascinating.

In fact, the Cyborg introduced me to this awesome new game called 'The Spore' of which I got to see a frikkin' AWESOME preview. Dudes! You start out a cell, a phagic cell that competes with others for food and survival, and then move up to higher levels by slowly becoming an entire organism. But wait, it gets even better, first off you can control whatever kind of organism you want! And there are sooo many possibilities! Then once the organism is self sustaining, you become in charge of an entire colony of that organism, and eventually a city, a planet, a solar system...all the way up to the Universe!!!!!!!!!!! *excitement eeks* I cannot WAIT to blow up other peoples planets! I can't wait to get my hands on it and beat my fellow nerds at it! Actually, I think almost anyone and everyone would enjoy it, simply because its so violently yet realistically educational!

On another note, I'm supposedly going to get beaten up if I don't go into MD-PhD. *looks around* *quivers*

1 comment:

Boomer said...

heehee, I love it that you call him the Cyborg. ^_^

I'm glad you had a good time :)