Monday, October 19, 2009

mythical wolf

Shiv: "You know 'lupus' means wolf? I had my gmail status message set to 'lupus, the myTHIcal wolf.'"
Me: "You mean Lupin? Like in Harry Potter?"
Shiv: "Is he a wolf?"
Me: "Yeah! He's a WEREWOLF! That makes me appreciate Harry Potter SO much more!"
Shiv: "WOW...that impresses you? Not the fact that Lupus devours tissues like a wolf?!"

Shiv: "OoOoooooOOOh! the COSMIC SOUND OF TRUTH! I'm going to make one....The Cosmic Sound of Lupus!!!!"

It won't stop!
Shiv: "What does dino in dinosaurus mean?"
Me: "I dunno...BIG?"
Shiv: "No way, then there would have to be a microsaurus!"

(btw: Deino = terrible; sauros = lizard --> end result = dinosaurus! *AAAAAH*)

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