Saturday, March 15, 2008

nightmare ..again *.*

There's a white car, and me and a friend get in it (I don't know who, it's a young male with dark hair). We drive out of a parking space in a dark street ...somehow end up in a large building-type garage. The garage is almost isolated from any surrounding buildings, and open sky is visible. There are 4 tornadoes......I can see them through the openings on one side of the garage, and feel the wind, and there's an entire school-worth of kids in the garage who the two of us try to rescue and send to the basement (all the kids are dressed in white and looking at them makes me feel a little peaceful...and it even makes me help them calmly). We're on our way down...

Then I wake up.

What the hell is up with this whole disaster thing? It's not the first time tornado's have appeared in my dreams either. Remember when there's that firework sign, and then some bomb hits the building I'm in? Well, before it HAS occasionally been tornadoes instead of the MANY MANY HUNDREDS of tornadoes!

I did a bit of research on all of this MADNESS (that is not Sparta, but Shruts!), and I read this somewhere:

"Many times, these dreams will accompany a time in the dreamer's life when he or she feels that the entire world is against them and only their association with something larger than themselves can provide a resolution."

"To rescue others, foretells that you will be esteemed for your good deeds."


Dreams confuse me to eternity and back! Apart from interpretations of dreams as described above, there are SO many theories as to why dreams exist. They can indicate your deepest desires, fears, emotional tantrums etc., they could just be a bunch of neuronal circuitry doing a number on you, and last, but most fascinatingly dreams could be a window into parallel Universes (source for last statement: The Holographic Universe). As if our conscious mind cannot handle the parallel Universes, it rather gives the unconscious mind to deal with the complexities of other realms? I would HATE for my Armageddon dreams to occur in parallel Universes, although I haven't exactly died in any ..yet *touches wood* they are pretty intense feelings. But wouldn't it be oh so awesome if my space dreams (which are waaay out of this Universe) were to actually occur to a parallel Shruts in some beautifully enlightened Universe?!

To that...I say *WEEEEEEEE* :D *bring eet* *snaps fingers stylishly*

Wouldn't that be the kewlest?! I'm starting a hand-written Dream Journal. ..Just because the rate at which these amazing dreams have been occurring lately is quite phenomenal! O.o

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