Tuesday, October 09, 2007

our Universe is flippin' oot! :O

"Why our time dimension is about to become space-like
October 9th, 2007 | by KFC |

It don’t get much weirder than this. The universe is about to lose its dimension of time says a group of theoretical astrobods at the University of Salamanca in Spain. And they got the evidence to prove it.

The idea comes from the study of braneworlds: the thinking that the universe we see around us is a 4-dimensional cosmos called a braneworld embedded in a multidimensional universe. The “signature” of our universe is the number of space and time-like dimensions it has: in our case we got 3 space-like dimensions and one time-like dimension. It’s what astrobods call a Lorentzian universe. So far so good: lots of astronutters think the same thing.

But our universe may not always have been like this. Some theorists think it may once have had a Euclidean signature meaning that all the dimensions were space-like. Now Marc “Bars” Mars and a few pals in Spain say that the Universe’s signature might be about to flip from Lorentzian to Euclidean. In other words, our dimension of time is about turn space-like. Gulp!

This ain’t entirely bonkers and here’s why. Bars Mars has calculated what it’s like to be an observer in a universe that is about to flip and get this: it would look as if it were expanding and accelerating away from us. Sound familiar?

Yep, it’s exactly what astrobods have been observin over the last few years, a phenomenon they attribute to dark energy. If Bars Mars is right, dark energy ain’t got nothing to do with it and we’re all starin’ down the barrel of a cosmic catastrophe.

Still, maybe four space-like dimensions will be better than three. Who needs time anyway?

Ref: arxiv.org/abs/0710.0820: Is the Accelerated Expansion Evidence of a Forthcoming change of Signature?"

SOURCE: http://arxivblog.com/?p=71

WOW! Is that not crazy..yet AMAZING?! It's exhilerating actually, and maybe a bit horrifying at the same time. I just wonder how long it will take to fully flip..dang it! I WANNA EXPERIENCE A TIMELESS UNIVERSE! NOW! *haha*

Also, my Universe did quite the 180 over the past 4 days...I shall save juicy details for later. :)


Boomer said...

Juicy details?? I talked to you for like two hours yesterday, and I didn't even get the non-juicy details!!

shruts said...

oh how silly art thou...you got SOME details...lighthouse tremors etc? REMEMBERR??

nothing MORE exciting..it was just an enlightening trip..how OFTEN do I take trips like that..lemme tell ya..NEVER! *haha* i needed that one. i'll tell YOU all about it IN PERSON though..it's so much more exciting to see your mockery of me being horrified of lighthouses face to face! *giggles* :) i still love you nevertheless *sigh* *haha* :D

Unknown said...

Man, I already had a mind-blowing experience when I got this thing to work: http://www.ebaumsworld.com/pictures/view/41127/

(And it really works, even if it takes you a while to get it to.)

But now you hit me with this? I think ... yup. My world is exploding, consequences of being flipped upside-down. Thanks :)


shruts said...

you're welcome! ;)

seriously though, the first time i looked at that lady, she was going counterclockwise, then the next minute clockwise...i can SWITCH her! *KEWL* my ENTIRE BRAIN is functional..

haha...GOOD TO KNOW! :D