Saturday, July 07, 2007


ay! Fellows of this Universe (that I'm aware of *shifty eyes*)

Just a small quote: :)

My view as a molecular biologist is that our own bodies are machines composed of molecules and the computer on my desk is a machine composed of molecules, and the only difference is which one has woken up. - Joan MacLeod (science fiction writer, Nature)


Anonymous said...

Thats eerie almost...

shruts said...

i know! its so weird to think of it like that...

plus, how come WE 'woke up' and not the molecules in the computer? like, what made US awake? why can't the computer become awake too?

you know? *philosophizes* :)

Anonymous said...

I guess we are just darn lucky!! *does lucky dance*

shruts said...


*awesome* :D

Michael said...

Yes, but we MADE the computer....I have yet to see any evidence anything aside from a night of random ecstasy made us ;)

shruts said...

well, i have evidence it was LSD..i'm living proof!


jk, i just assumed b/c i'm "high" all the time = proof

although it might be!
