you're ugly *evil grin* $:>
Dr. E: "If you want to call someone ugly, you can say 'Your cell adhesion molecules SUCK!!!'"
Dear me, life is busy, but good. Last night we had like a frikkin' blizzard, when the day-before it was 70 degrees outside and I wore slippers. SLIPPERS!!! I wore a skirt, and now..I'm huddled up in 127,239,235,328 layers of clothing!!!! Why o why does the weather have to make us used to high temperatures, then TAKE IT ALL AWAY?! *raises arms to heavens*
O, and the reason I've been so incredulously busy, is that I have a poster presentation for the KCMS Research Day on Wednesday next week, and want to complete writing my rough draft for the honors thesis by tomorrow (which 99.5% may not happen *hehe*, but to be optimistic 0.5% MAY happen), and then I have to finish like 50 million pchem lab reports. *stares @ last four words*
:D I'm still happy that I'm alive. And I love those of you who I haven't seen since Pluto was should know, you are missed. *MUA*
Pluto was demoted? What does that mean?
I miss you. :(
yea, they made it a non-planet..aka. frikkin' DWARF!!! I mean, how cruel/evil is that?! I'd be offended if someone called ME a dwarf! (and I actually AM one!) *fumes*
*takes deep breaths*
*is as calm as the sea* ;)
Seriously yo..I miss you 59,366,783,215 times more. *tear*
I miss you 59,366,783,215 X 2.
With Mike starting to pack and move, graduation, and finals coming up, things are HECTIC. I hope I get to see you at some point. I miss you bucketloads. :'(
Mikey's moving?!!! WHERE?! OMG..and don't worry about finals, you'll do great! :D *sends you nerdy hyperactive neurons* I have 50 bazillion things to do too! :(
*looks @ ATP supply* *sees nanometer-squared stock supply* *uses femtometer-squared staring @ it* ;)
I LOVES THEE!!!!!!! :*
Lol, Mike is moving back home to East Lansing! He's graduating. ;) I'm moving back home to Mt. Morris the first week of May as well.
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