Its been an interesting week off. As soon as finals were over dad left for New York City with his students for thier annual professional studio trip..personally, i hate it, not because i'm super-jealous that all these people get to hang wid my homie all over the coolest city on planet earth, but just because i frikkin' miss my dad soo much! I called him so many times! :) So my mom and I slugged away on monday, and i thought i'd take a 'short' break, after which i had decided i would get a head start on studying for MCATS like what i imagine how students at Harvard must study during finals week. But..that didn't happen.
Instead, I looked up my grade online on tuesday, only to find out that i got a frikkin BA in BOTH quant lab and lecture (most unexpected), a gosh-darn "B!!!!!" in physics, and a BA in physics lab. I was shocked. You know how you ask teachers a week before as to what your grade status might be? Well, my phisics profs both said I had an A in lab and BA in lecture..yet THIS?!!!! So I seriously looked in every nook and cranny in Everett Tower to find Dr. Kaldon...please visualize..he's 450+ pounds!...and NOT easy to spot ANYWHERE!!!! I found him...eventually, after leaving like ten million frantic voice messages on his home phone. He and my lab TA looked at my grade, chuckled, chortled, and made fun of how they had made a mistake in entering my grade...SERIOUSLY!!! About quant..honestly, I am only 6 points away from an A in quant lecture..90.4%, 91% being an A. *shrieks* O and what about my GPA?...It has suffered a MAJOR AIRCRASH! I think it landed at the bottom of the sea. *visualizes pacific ocean hydrothermal vent*
Anywho, before all this crap happened I got to see the Phantom of the Opera with my lab mates!!!!!! *aaaa* It was AWESOME! You see, I'm one of those science nerds, but I think there's a deep part of me that trembles in the presence of The Literature Nerd. I absolutely love plays, poems, novels..I cannot survive without entrancing myself within the pages of a good novel. I stay up nights and days reading them..somehow I MAKE time to read them! Its strange, even during finals week I cram a few chapters in excuse, its an absolutely marvelous break! I get to use my imagination for a change instead of cramming facts and figures. I absolutely LOVED every second of the Phantom..MAN, I think I was singing along during Music of the Night. Yep, I'm one of those.*looks guilty*
Dad got back yesterday, really really early in the morning..funny thing, I didn't realize until then that I had an 8am summer class the next day!!!!! Oye. And he got me this mahvelous set of speakers for my iPod!!! Its gorgeous. I swoon every time I look at it! :) Speaking of swooning..I think I might have scared a couple of thee into thinking that I might have fallen off the face of planet earth. Sorry. I slept all day yesterday..and suddenly my dad comes running into my room "there's a GIRL outside!!!" I'm like..*massive pause* *a GIRL?!* HAHA..It was Ananda..haha..she was just standing there with this MASSIVE box of Harry Potter books!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In return for my physiology book, and two gruesome voice messages about how she thought I had died, and a frantic email claiming that I now officially had a stalker, I got to spend a couple of hours pampering her and the Cyborg with indian food, with my eyes GLUED onto those brightly colored covers of the Harry Potter books the entire time! I am proud to thereby declare that I'm on page 113!!!! :)
So it has been a week of phantoms, ghosts of grades, of physiology textbooks, and of this WICKED noise I've been hearing in the porch over the past couple of days! *shivers*
OMG I had such a good time at your house yesterday!! You're family is soooooo adorable and I missed you o so much. *amores*
Your* family. UGH I hate it when I do that.
*tee hee* i'm soo glad dude...its about time we actually hung out, come to think of it, maybe i had passed out that entire day due to amanda withdrawals...*gasps* i mean Ananda!
It's very possible. You need your weekly intake of Amanda triphosphate ;D
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