It's really interesting how far the human mind has come in regards to our perception/definition/belief that belies the term "God." Sometimes it seems our minds are SO convoluted and limited even when considering the most expansive theories, simply because our use of language to concretly describe sentiments and beliefs sometimes eludes us from self-enlightenment? Some things just aren't meant to be defined, or tagged, bagged, and owned. Right? O.oAccording to Persinger,
God (n.): "When the right hemisphere of the brain, the seat of emotion, isI get lost in such conundrums often. :P It's mind boggling! And then I read such wonderful quotes by philosophers such as Rumi:
stimulated in the cerebral region presumed to control notions of self, and then
the left hemisphere, the seat of language, is called upon to make sense of this
nonexistent entity, the mind generates a "sensed presence."
"'Seeing God' is really just a soothing euphemism for the fleeting awareness of ourselves alone in the universe: a look in that existential mirror. The "sensed presence" - now easily generated by a machine pumping our brains with electromagnetic spirituality - is nothing but our exquisite and singular self, at one with the true solitude of our condition, deeply anxious. We're itching to get out of here, to escape this tired old environment with its frayed carpets, blasted furniture, and shabby old God. Time to move on and discover true divinity all over again."
"Why should I seek? I am the same as He. His essence speaks through me.
I have been looking for myself!" :)
(To clarify, I'm not attacking any beliefs/religions but rather presenting a different point of view)
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