the things AIR makes me wanna do...
Latest drawing: :P *COPYRIGHTED YO!*Homan..the hands took FOREVUH! I usually suck at whole human body drawings (psst..which is why half of her body is covered by her hair *haha*), so I'm slightly relieved that she didn't turn out to be a green blob. :P (p.s. click image for larger view)
This week's been AWESOME! :) My bff came over to visit me..and HO BOY...was that fun! We furiously chomped down salsa chips, and mehican foodstuffs while discussing how marvelous fishing was! See? Girls talk about other stuff too! Then we hit the mall like the villians that we be, and we were so good that this weird-ass woman came up hoping to sell her nail-betterment crap to us...I was pretty much hosed and sucked into her monstrous plan from the beginning, but the Panda had it under control. We walked away unscathed, well, maybe my nail was ONE LAYER OF KERATIN THINNER! *questionable looks* And then we actually saw a book called "What's your Poo telling You?" ...FO REAL! :O *gross* And the ice cream...OH THE ICE CREAM! (I'll leave it at that) :P
Und then...Emil called. :D He had the wonderful honor of hearing me squeal over the phone. *haha* And my mom viciously mutilated me at Checkers...and as IF that weren't bad beat the crap out of me at Chess too. *feels flogged*
Proof: Game 1, Mom = Black, Loser = Red: O.o
EDIT: Just got back from watching Jumper, they could have made it SOOO much better! *ugh*
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