Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I have a recurring nightmare. In it, I'm usually living in some high-rise building (surrounded by other high rise buildings) with a balcony or terrace of some kind. It starts out differently each time, but somehow me, and my family and many times a few friends are looking at the sky in celebration of something. Last night, the event was that the city had finally developed some very sophisticated and novel space technology (I can't remember it's exact function anymore) and it had been launched into the sky. So everyone's out on their terraces/balconies looking up. And...since this dream is recurring, there are obvious signs as to when things begin to go wrong. Apparently, "my city" is familiar with this sign as well.

So what's the sign? It's a sort of firework that explodes in the sky, at different locations in the sky (like a mark where an attack is going to take place) and once it explodes it remains there as an ominous reminder to avoid that place. It's like a mark. It's not as if those looking into the sky can immediately tell what it's about..but rather akin to "hmm, that's strange." And ultimately, those of "us" who have experienced it before gasp and realize what it is about and frantically begin to make our escape.

This mark (or similar signs in the sky dispersed at locations of attack) is consistent throughout numerous dreams I've had and every time atleast one of them is above the building I'm in.

And what is it we're running away from? Some sort of mass bombing. Not just your ordinary "lets blow this building up" kind of bombing, but more like...*GET THE F* OUT OF HERE BEFORE WE'RE HIT* A few weeks ago, I was actually alone in the dream and I was attempting to rescue a fragile old man who kept vanishing and left behind different limbs for me to grasp instead. (I KNOW...FREAKY RIGHT?!)

This time, I can't recall exactly what or how, but I know my friend John's in the dream, and there's two other people but I can't remember...and we end up running with the crowd into some sort of mass barrack system for protection. Our cabin is a pale yellow tin box with bunk beds and about 10-20 squished in together. And there's no windows, just one door. And the last thing I remember about it is everyone running to lock the door b/c our cabin's about to be bombed.

Two nights ago, instead of ending up at these baracks, I ended up at my house with mom and dad. And a railway track ran parallel to our front door, and through our front yard and driveway. And it's almost time for my dad and I to go to work so we're getting ready to leave when massive numbers of cars and trucks and trains travel through the train tracks blocking our driveway. It's really strange b/c these tracks have never EVER been used (apparently) and all of a sudden there's goods trains and automobiles running on them! I remember looking around for whether or not we're the only one's who've noticed but can't remember what I ended up concluding. When I woke up, it was EXACTLY time for my dad and I to leave for work.


I don't know what any of it means. I just know that I've had this whole "me in a high rise building running away saving people and myself for protection from some sort of bombings or mass attack" more than 10 times.

I used to have an elevator nightmare, where I'd step into a dark elevator and it'd go down and ..then who knows but i'd tremble and sweat when I woke up...but that seems almost childish now. It's gone. I even tried to remember it one time, and it didn't scare me anymore.

I just wonder that in catching my dreams how many nightmares will I have to live through? One month seems killer.


Boomer said...

I used to have a dream all the time as a child. It started off outside of a community center sort of building, inside which a large gathering was taking place. I'm out in the street about a block away, looking in the windows of the building and feeling scared and alone. It's very cold out, there's ice covering the road, and I keep staring at a large garbage can standing next to the community center door. The kind you find in school lunchrooms with the big rollers on the bottom.

The trashcan always starts to come near me, moving at it's own accord, and rolls down the icy street. All the while I become more and more frantic, until I eventually decide to "play dead." I collapse on the ground, which is very cold even for a dream, and lay there with my eyes closed.

I can hear it rolling towards me, and I can almost feel it's shadow cross over me as it comes close. Then, frightened that it isn't buying my "dead" act, I decide to jump up and scream at it instead, hoping to frighten it away.

It promptly turns into a shaggy black dog and runs away barking. And my dream ends.

Pfft. Dumbest dream EVER.

shruts said...

but that's exactly it...what scares us the most is the unknown..just like i HAVE NO CLUE who/what/why there's these attacks that i need to escape from, you don't really know what that trashcan means to you you are fearful of it.

do you still have nightmares?

Boomer said...

Recurrent ones? Not so much. I have occasional nightmares though (especially on nights I drink milk!) about people I care about dying, or being really, REALLY, horribly angry at me, etc. Sometimes I have dreams that Mike leaves me, or that I fail my classes. I think some of the more school-related ones are just tied to stress though.

Mostly, I think dreams come the most when you've just got a lot of emotional stuff to deal with, or if you've got a lot of stress on your plate. Historically, that has been the case with me at least.

shruts said...

really? when you drink milk? *huh*

for me..yeah the stress does it, but mine are really random. i could have a great few days and evenings etc..but still have a nightmare that'll wake me up.

i often wonder if my subconscious is trying to tell me something.