9,000 words... (& then some)
...Get it? a picture is worth a thousand words! *therefore* 9 pics = 9,000 words! *good god i miss math*
Ok ok..so the following is sort of a "picture post" of certain significant/nonsignificant events of my life. Dad and I were going to mail something at the post office on Drake Rd. after work, and on our way there was TONS of traffic. Well, we soon saw a car, the blue one depicted here, that had been PUMMELED into a tree (the drivers side was obliviated). Wait wait, at first this is us driving TO the post office, and all the while I'm sitting there thinking (apart from "Oh my gosh, I hope the driver's ok") "Oh my gosh, Mikey would TOTALLY get his camera out and take pictures!" So, I decided to be evil and follow in his noble footsteps, except I failed miserably while attempting to take a picture of the car that had a crunched front.....As you can see (above)...I got everything BUT the front end! *haha* ...*wow* I suck at this. So normally you'd expect to start driving at normal pace right? NOOO....pe. Nope. We later happenstanced upon this conglomerate of cars a few yards away...
See the black rectangle? It's an overturned Semi truck that had an "oversized load" sign on it. They cleared out the drivers part of the truck by the time we got back from the post office:
Yes...I know it was really wrong of me to do, but how often does a semi truck overturn in the city? Not often. (right? *shiftyness*) Alright, THEN I wanted to show ya'll how pulpish the brain becomes upon filling out secondary applications:
Yeeeeaahhh.....Thank goodness I didn't mail that. *yikes* :$
And also how pulpish the brains of people who have no clue who I am are:
Mmmmmhmmmm....wish I were there. BUT I'M NOT!!!!
And, I saved the best for last: :P
My peep w/ her peeps:
And last but not least, FOR my peep:
It's been a LONG time since I drew anything btw..and it's been even longer since I drew a non-perfectionist face (I have a tendency to make all the features boringly expressionless). Although you can't really see it, she's actually got some tears in her eyes due to the wind and her mouth is slightly agape. It's my freakin' drawing so don't you DARE take it w/out permission! *growls*
Haha, Mikey would be so proud. ;)
I love the Army one, that's my fav. And I forgot how hot the dragons on the front of that book were. :D
i know, taking pics. of accidents is a stepping-stone for greater things in my life.
(i'm JUST JOKING o'course) :P
Oh! AND...since my cam cam is so bootiful, if you click on your picture, you can actually see a HIGH RES version of it! it's even MORE gorgeous! :) (i'm going to replace the pic. of my drawing which i took w/ my isight computer cam with a pic from my nikon once it's fully charged)
I can't believe that truck tipped over. It looked like it was carrying a mobile home. Heh, that house is F-ed. ^_^
haha..yea, that too on drake rd. in the middle of end-of-day rush hour! :P
...the cyborg was greatly missed. *bwahaha*
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