el mirador...
I saw I am Legend recently, and OH ME GOSH..it's awesome! I ALSO happened to be at Meijer and heard some really really stupid girl claim it "sucked." *scoffs* SHE didn't know what she was talking about...WHATSOEVER.
(psst..look away if you haven't seen it yet)
That movie brought to light so many realities, the most obvious of which is whether or not a human could possibly SANELY survive ALL ALONE (with or without a pet) on this planet. This guy survives for 3 incredible years! That's insanely amazing! The philosophical part of me wonders if I'd be able to beat the odds...it feels like I'd finally be at peace with no other humans around. I'd have the whole world to myself. Nothing but my survival and more importantly, my enlightenment to satiate my worth. No money. No objects to "demonstrate" my "value." Just my thoughts, and the world. Alone.
That would be beautiful.
I think in doing that I really COULD survive much longer. If everything on earth was just left as it is, and there were no humans OR zombies here (except all other creatures), then I'd be pleasantly surprised. I'd take a long walk as far as I could go. Maybe I'd worry about my safety still, just from the shock of not having non-trustworthy humans around. (I know, double negative..DEAL) But mostly, I'd take my time to get away from any road, or building, or anything remotely human possible. I wonder if I'd give up clothing? ..Would I be THAT daring? Would you? Is it "daring" when nobody is around to judge you? Maybe I'd still be conscious of it because I've been taught to live with it, the whole "shame" thing. An animalistic part of me would disagree though. Who cares about shame anymore? It'd just be me, an animal just like another, surviving with the best of my instincts.
I'd be free. I'd see the ocean (not from an airplane)..I'd stare through super-powerful telescopes at night, and I'd definitely like to see a whale. I'd read forever and EVER. I'd just try to take it all in..try to actually understand the 'cosmic sound of truth'. As Franz Kafka once said: "It is not necessary that you leave the house. Remain at your table and listen. Do not even listen, only wait. Do not even wait, be wholly still and alone. The world will present itself to you for its unmasking . . . in ecstasy it will writhe at your feet." ......all for nobody but me! :)
Alas, I wonder if the expression of "sociability" would honestly, eventually catch up. What if I'm not able to even survive a single year all alone simply because I'd go insane? If I did survive longer than this, I would most probably forget all lingual mannerisms. I'd invent my own language, and talk to myself (this is a definite). And I wonder if my dreams would be inhabited by humans? Would I be haunted by the thoughts of being all "alone?" Why does that word sound so scary sometimes?
Another important notion the movie brings up, which seems to have already begun, is the concept of humans being responsible for self-annihilation. Humans are exactly that...only human. We are BOUND to make mistakes. Scientists, even the most educated ones, are only human. I'm quite a firm believer of the idea that cancer and diabetes cannot fully be "cured" or "eradicated" as was Smallpox. There's too many complexities and consequences, too many unique events that characterize each disease in each individual. I HAD a hope once that this could happen, but since I entered the world of research I have come to the honest realization that this is unreal. Even if we do find something that is capable of eradicating a major disease, there's ALWAYS something else around the corner. We are parasites, mere competitors against EVERYTHING that's out there...odds are something's always going to stick around. In reference to the movie I Am Legend, death and the zombification of humans "stuck around." I'm a little glad that although the movie stretched the idea of "consequences for one's actions" theme with the cure to cancer, it was brought into the public limelight. They projected science as what it truly is...a search, and a hope...not ever fully a definite because everything changes. Things evolve.
Wow..I had all those pent up thoughts! :P I COULD go on for hours..but that'd bore the rest of my fellow homo sapiens to extinction (wait, this could be good for me *evil cackle*).
I'm just thankful for humans though, because I know my enlightenment could not have reached the almost amateur level at which it is without the knowledge and hard work of others. And I'm thankful to experience love...that'd be difficult to understand if I were all alone. The thought of having nobody to "die for" but myself, seems selfish.
ok ok..I'll stop now! :D
*oops* ONE more thing:
"Mirador" by Efterklang (a.k.a. this band has the BEST MUSIC EVUH!!!!!!!)
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