mud O_O
Yestuhday, while running, I found myself cold and shivery, and looking around I realized that I'd been running in a continuous veil of drizzle, and I didn't even know it! So since I was already drenched from the 50 trillion tiny seemingly invisible drops of water, I decided to go beserk in my backyard!
And OH MY GOSH! I danced in the grass like a HOOLIGAN for HOURS in POURING RAIN!!!! I just danced and danced! I probably sent my iPod to hell and beyond, but damn it..the music, the water, and the soft grass made it so PERFECT! My dad came out with some gorgeously hot indian delicacy, but upon watching me for a few minutes secretly (i hate it when people do that) started laughing his butt off! And it wasn't because I was dancing like crap..anything was because I was COVERED in mud, and grass!!!! I had it in my hair, all over my face, my shorts were RUINED! (they're orange, and you could only see the orange in like..some spots, everything else was green grass or black mud, thankfully i was barefooted in the grass or my sneakers would have committed suicide from mud-shame)
I could only have said, it was the MOST happy I have felt in a VERY long time. It was so perfect, nobody but me, a part of nature, dancing with nature. (until dad showed up *cough*)
I remember, in India during the monsoon season, my best friend on THAT subcontinent (Gudia), and I used to dance and run amok on our terrace until there was literally 2 feet of water at our feet...and then it was just fun splashing around like crazy foo's. And there..the rain isn't even's like HOT compared to here. *haha*
Anywho, I'm in the real world now. I never thought this little girl would get to the "BIG BAD WORLD," but BOY, I'm 'der. And it's not AS big, or AS bad as I expected..(it's probably more so and I just don't know it yet..but save the juicy details for later peeps!) But this wonderful moment sponsored by rainy downpours, was enlightening in that the "big bad world" is JUST as BIG and BAD as I want it to be. Because it's me looking out through these eyes, it's me feeling, and typing, and hearing, and speaking (uncontrollably), and singing, and dancing, and loving, and hating, and believing! And that's my world!!!
It's BEAUTIFUL! All the mud is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! :D
I am so so jealous that you got to run and dance in the rain!! That is so awesome. I'd take some muddy clothing to do that!
Lol, Shruts, you so crazy! It's great to hear you're havin' fun though. I'm stuck in the purgatory between real world and non, but my diploma came in the mail, and it's much sweeter to have than I expected. I gotta get the rest of my act together, but I'm part-way there. Just thought I'd stop by and peruse some Shrut-factor.
haha..thanks levoska baby! :D *hands you shrut-factor*
kate: *gives you mud* :D :*
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