Answer: ???
I was conversing with my friend Emil today, and just some thoughts overtook our tawks, and we ended up debating whether or not the little thing that is us, our body, or life, meant anything in the context of the Universe. It's really quite a debatable topic.
Imagine...the Universe would you? *imagines* *dies if in Hitchiker's Guide* ;) (for those of you who are clueless, in the HG, a human sees the Universe through this machine right before they die, and they die simply because they're astonished at its beauty and grandeur that it's too much to comprehend for the human mind, thus *kaput*)
Where was I? *revamps* Right...
Imagine the Universe. It's pretty huge eh? Maybe this aid will help you: think of you, right now, reading this. You're sitting in a comfortable or not so comfortable chair or sofa, or are plushed out on cushiony beds royally reading my words *giggles* (i wish)..You're under some form of shelter, underneath a roof. Zoom out. You see the roof, the trees and buildings surrounding yours. The little pie hole on earth that you occupy, imagine the beautiful blue and white marble that is the Earth. Keep going, just see black, and this blue dot. That's all there is now, and maybe a small white dit next to it looking slightly retarded and out of place. Next you see a few more dots, some bigger, some barely visible, but not far away is quite a huge monster of fire, our Sun. Keep going. Pretty soon you will begin to realize the irrelevancy of spatial orientation, because you begin to see other spiral disks, other brightly colored clouds, dots, sparkles, glittering in a veil of black reaching out like arms. Suddenly, you realize you were at the edge of the Milky Way, peering outward, you turn back, and see the center. It's veiled by an uncountable, unfathomable number of glitters. Far away you can see a bright spot, and as you zoom out more, it gets closer to the Milky Way. It is the Andromeda galaxy. Fast forward, there's too many disks to count. The Earth disappeared a long time ago. Dunno where it is...it's not even a pixel of what you see now. You can take it as far as you want from there...I like to revel in my imagination of it on my own. ;)
Nevertheless, in some way, you begin to understand where you are in this massive conglomerate of seeming "randomness." That's really it..it seems so random doesn't it? But from our human perspective, we can discern distinct shapes, colors, feels. And if we can see it carefully, there is order...beautiful random order! In ALL of it, in the midst of EVERYTHING THAT EXISTS...is US! From this drawn out perspective, our existance matters little. Our lives, loves, hates, destruction of our planet, our self-conciousness as omnipotent thoughtful human beings falls apart. Nothing we can think of as "ours" matters anymore! It disintegrates. We become nothing. We matter nothing. We are just a part of this randomness. Somewhere in there, not mattering to the Universe, is you.
*aaha* Stop right there. Somewhere in there is YOU! You exist! OH MY GOSH! Look around you! All those glitters, all those darknesses...everything exists!!! Everything un-exists! EVERYTHING IS!!!! It just IS! It's too profound to put into words! Suddenly, you realize that what you are made of, is in so many ways connected to everything else that exists. That even our small solar system is composed of our Universe, that even our small hearts and minds are components of its energy! Some call it God, others just respect it as what holds everything together or makes everything fall apart.
But in the midst of it all, you realize that your nothing, is in so many ways, EVERYTHING. You may feel down occasionally, and doubt everything in your life. And it's only true, what we do matters little in the context of it ALL. But it's here, it exists, your actions, thoughts, your progress exists. So damn it! If you don't want to make the most of it, atleast marvel at the world around you! Marvel at the beauty that is you, that is your Universe.
So, are you nothing? or everything? I ask you. :)
oh..extra tidbit:

EDIT: ***RELATED LINK "Powers of 10"