Monday, March 05, 2007

*okie dokes*

Um, this is just an update. :) *update*


...the end.

Nevermind, actually, when I get all sad and my view of life from the earth starts plummetting horrendously into the sun, which subsequently explodes and sends the entire galaxy hurtling into the Andromeda, which creates a massive supernova capable of demolishing the Universe,, where was I? *recollects*

*right*..When I get all sad and ..all of the above begins to happen...I try to drop off of planet earth. I huddle into my ickle shell and swoon at happy times, at times when life had meaning, and at times when global warming could be considered a belief and not a fact. I think of times when I arrogantly strutted around like a smart chick, and obnoxiously dismissed anyone who tried to convince me to do better on my MCATs. And now, I bask in sunless doom. I bask in sorrow, and need to contemplate about where I have to take my life. It's on a massive pause. Kind of like, when a cheetah realizes that in running so fast, he/she dropped its lucious meat. That's what I did. My meat is gone. *poof* *shabam*

All that's left is me.


Boomer said...

Geez, I need to hang out with you to get you out of this funk.


shruts said...

*graciously follows*

Anonymous said...

I can give you my leftover roast if you need some more meat....

shruts said...

uh..i'm a vege?

*confused look of guilt*

Anonymous said...

but you said you needed some more meat...

Boomer said...


You're NOT a veggie either Miss. Chicken-and-Fish-Eater. I squashed it from you!! BWHAHAHAAAAAAAA!

shruts said...

Kate-ster: I do, I need MASSIVE quantities of figurative meat. *salivates*

Ananda: *woops* I guess I'm more suceptible to squatation by THE MEAT EATING PANDA! *runs*(the non-trip shoes/legs are on) ;) *teehee*