Sunday, January 28, 2007

a galaxy far, far away

I played this game with a computer, and it spat out this story:

"As I was dramatizing at the ties, I wondered what life would be like on another world. Would people have wheels on their yucky xylem to help them move about more politely? Would each person have a turmeric to help them do their work? For a moment, I admonished I could travel to a troublesome world like this to raking what life would be like. Then I realized that with two teenaged plumes, life here was confusing enough.

Now THAT'S comedy."

Apparently, it's called a 'manicdote.' :D

I also realized, that I suck on weekends. I basically just mope joyously around not doing anything, but pretending to do something at the same time, not succeeding at all at any of it, getting yelled at by the rents for not doing chores *boo*, then pretending to do chores, then pretending to do homework as an excuse to not do chores, then pretending to flail when the rents discover i was pretending all along. The mahvelous ending: I sit up till 47463.970 a.m. monday morning frantically pretending to actually do some homework. *whew*

Apart from all of that..I miss my bestest friend tremendously. :( I wish she were here so that we could take trips through the galaxy, kill savage microbes with bunsen burners, and um, swoon uncontrollably for no particular reason. :) *giggles*

And for those of you who've been enjoying the BEAUTIFUL FLUFFY SNOW so much (like me)...a word of caution..or rather, a video of caution:

;) *warmth*


Boomer said...

I miss you a lot too. :( I was remembering our weekly trips to the Bernhard Center and our lunches of Italian cheese bread.... It made me happy to think about those memories but sad at the same time--I'm sure you know what I mean. :'(

I miss the good ol' days.

shruts said...

The good ol' days are still here. :) I'm ALWAYS here...and you're always here too! I love that I remember you and miss you so much, because when you get here I can totally unload my misses!!! ...that is quite the joyous experience eh? ;)

And don't you DARE get lonely missy! If you're alone, and I'm alone...I hereby proclaim that by my wonderful mathematical skills...two lonely's make a together! Hence, 'lonely' no longer exists. :D *woot*


Boomer said...

Haha, and that is exactly why you should take over the world and make all the rules. ;)

shruts said...




Boomer said...

All other nerds tremble in your presence. ;)

shruts said...

pretty much *infuses tremblance upon you*

Boomer said...

*runs and hides*