..The Whole Sort Of General Mish Mash. ;D
O dear Zarquon! It's been a good break..a much needed break. I have come to reevaluate my life from so many perspectives that I think I am kind of insane, for those of you who thought I already was, kindly add a 'little more' to that. :)
I worked my butt off at the lab in the beginning, got some results, and then confused the heck out of myself there on out. Currently, I'm still deep in confusion bliss as to what on planet..um, for a change, not Zarquon or Earth..Pluto! ..um..what on Pluto has been happening to my protein and thereby my results. So I gave up and yelled at myself a ton, and then my family decided to kidnap me and take me to Chicago for New Years! *awesome giggles* It was wicked cool..we did some indian grocery shopping, and I got to see fireworks TWICE!!!! Once at 12 and the second time at 7 the next day at Navy Pier. And the best part..I got to go to Shedds Aquarium!!!!!! *pees pants* OMG..I read this one natal birth chart thing-a-ma-jig doo-daah once that said I would be one who would be enraptured/fascinated with water and sea voyages. I swear, its true. I absolutely am fascinated by how wonderful life under water is. We know SO little about it! I can't imagine that we know even 15% about the oceans or their inhabitants yet. Goodness me...my family was really really excited to see the dolphins dance, but what was even better...was to see the Beluga whales wave their tails, spit at us, and play with basketballs and frizbee's! I LOVE WHALES!!!! If I were to ever be any organism but human, I would be a blue whale, and my trip to Shedds has definitely profoundly expanded my perspective on how much capacity to learn whales have too! They do just as much as dolphins, if not more! When the trainers were feeding them the would chatter and chirp really loud..I mean they have to to communicate over long distances right? And there was a baby Beluga only 6 months old, who had never before been trained and was playing with the basketball that was meant for the adult whales to play with. *smacks self for ending in preposition* But it was so incredible that even the trainers were surprised! And just the sheer size, of watching this huge beautiful white creature elegantly swim past you, or sometimes come right up against the rail where you're standing and spout water was breathtaking. I think I spent like 3 hours overally at the Beluga whale exhibit.
Apart from that, we saw otters ..um, doing it. At first they were just twirling around together, and everyone around us including us were pretty mesmerized by what was happening, and trying to guess why these two otters were so enraptured with each other. Well, big surprise. During some 'readjustment' the male otter's penis bobbed out for about 10 seconds for all of us to burst out laughing, blushing, and whatever else people do when they see an otter's penis, and then it bobbed back in. There on out, all of us who knew told newcomers of our new-found knowledge, and they'd giggle and gasp as if to say "really?!"...and we'd say.."yup, truly, and we promise." But when the male and female weren't actually 'attached' it was really pretty, because they would grasp eachother as if kissing and twirl around for a few minutes, up and down in the column of water totally oblivious to the other otter in the tank. It really was pretty cool.
And the humongous sea turtle in the reef exhibit had a HUGE crack on its shell, and we assumed that it was an injury. So everytime it tried to swim through the water it would only use its front two fins, whereas the two behind would just lag behind like a huge burden or unnecessary weight to carry around. All other turtles we saw used all four fins to swim.
Ofcourse, it was a beautiful day, and the Chicago skyline could not have been more perfect or more beautiful. It was only my mom, dad, and I that day, and wow..it was one of the best times of my entire life. I did wonder and dream about what would happen if I happened to fall into the Beluga whale tank..like would they attack? But that shall be solved by some wiki'ing.
:D O, and A MARVELOUS HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007 to all of you!!!!!! I hope it's grandiose and magnanimously fun! *mwa*