USA 9.11
Madrid 3.11
Mumbai 7.11
I grieve. I'm really sad. Mostly, I cannot comprehend what has happened, what KEEPS ON HAPPENING. How can humans be this way? How can we claim to love something so much that we are wiling to take the lives of others in order to be closer to the thing we love? How can humans be so cruel so as to consider completely worthless the innocent life of another? Should not our beliefs be our own? What gives us the right to impose our beliefs upon others..to their death?!
No. We have no right to live like this. We have no right to live in hatred. We share this world together. We live together. And a part of life involves sharing our beliefs with each other, and accepting each other. It is unfair to take a human life. No matter what the reward. Millions of dollars...yes, money seems to be the only thing that governs our world now. That is all everyone wants..because with money comes power. And with power, omnipotence.
I cannot believe that those in power have thus far always stated that they are 'making progress.' What kind of progress are you making? Are you looking out for your own political interests, or are you truly caring for the people whom you serve? Are you more worried about how other countries will view you according to how you act, or will you EVER act? Or are you completely unsure, and clueless as to what to do? If so, WHY are you in power?!
It is terrifying how terrorist attacks are beginning to become a part of our daily lives now. Countries have begun to openly claim that they will be testing missile defenses..everyone wants missile defenses now! Why? Because honestly, our world has become a scary place to live in. We may not realize it; we go on bustling about our daily lives as if the rest of the world doesn't exist. Why does it have to take shocking events to shake us? To wake us from the slumber to which we will soon return, tomorrow? I am guilty of this. It is the truth. Simply the truth. What doesn't affect us directly shouldn't matter, right?
I don't understand. How can humans be so selfish? My world is a scary place to be in right now. I cannot imagine what more is yet to come.
I miss you.
*mua mua* a.k.a. KISSES!!!! :) ..ofcourse, that INCLUDES MISSES.
This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.
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