Thursday, June 22, 2006


My life thus far has witnessed some serious cinnamonography lately. Whats that you ask? Well, its kind of like an experience where you taste the sweetness and spicyness of life both at the same time..kind of like cinnamon itself. Hence, the word cinnamonography. :) Sweetness? I have been given the opportunity to an actual job, namely TA'ing!!! *eek* Isn't that AWESOME! I seriously hope my students don't emblazon me with chemicals and turn me to pulp. Just imagine..Shruts..a green blob on the dirty McCracken floor. I know you might be tempted, but PLEASE don't step on me! :o (I know I have been close, just take a look at my wonderful torn and tattered jeans from my buddies HCl and HNO3) a bad way, I did really horrid on my MCATs. So I have to kick ass on the one in August. Peoples..PRAY for me! Its ok though, I kind of always knew I was not as prepared as I normally am for big tests. I know I can do better. And I shall. But I cried when I found out my score. And it was really funny, because it seemed that those few minutes were the bane of my existance, but the crickets still chirped annoyingly, I could still hear the 1:00am train, the breeze still rustled through the trees. Namely, the few minutes when my life seemed to stop, everything else just kept moving. Thats what amazes me about life, is that we as humans think of every little detail to affect us to such a huge extent, whereas at the same time gazillions of atoms are 'doing the atomic dance' and billions of galaxies are shining brightly in the universe, and cells are happily strolling along the path to survival, and everything else just continues as it is. At such moments, it seems the human definition of time and space doesn't exist anymore. And it amazes me. How unimportant we truly are. How unimportant it really is what my MCAT score is.


Boomer said...

I cried when I got my scores too. And now they're hanging on my fridge dangit, because I did my best.

shruts said...

i wonder if only girls cry with stuff like that? do guys EVER cry?

Boomer said...

Not really. They just punch things.

shruts said...

*HAHA* i bet they do...i wonder what the cyborg does..probably has the same kind of laser vision as you, and thereby destroys everything in his path! *imagines dragon flame* *swoosh*

Boomer said...

The Cyborg doesn't really get mad or upset about anything. It's kind of frustrating sometimes because occasionally I feel really over-emotional around him when in reality I think I'm exactly like ever other girl. Well... maybe way cooler than every other girl, but you know what I mean. ;-)

Boomer said...

OMYGOSH. I miss you right now and I'm not even sure why.

No no, that's not true. I'm sure I could list many reasons why.

shruts said...

*HAHA* as if i don't miss you either! its the lack of some ice-cream, its end metabolizing product is STP. :)