the nerds versus the 'hot' ones
So..I guess I AM finally going to complain about how 'stereotypically' hot people get soo much more attention than the awesome nerds, like moi. Don't get me wrong..i'm not saying i'm not hot. *i'm smokiiin'* I'm just jealous as to how guys in a class get sooo friggin' worried that a hot chick who shows boobage and buttage got a little boo boo cold and are all like 'awwww'...and by doing so, they completely ignore perhaps the smartest person in the class. *egoflare*
Haha...this is how nerdy my friends and I are...we walk down sidewalks, halting traffic JUST to feel our patella's...and if anyone stares us down, they get the 'patella stare'...the "what what homey? who YOU lookin' at? you'd betta get DOWN and start wigglin' your patella cause its SERIOUSLY cool." :) Only fellow nerds would understand.
I suppose my point is that I don't understand how some girls need to degrade themselves to prove who they are. Just the other day Amanda and the Cyborg and I went out to dinner, and a few guys sitting behind us started calling out obsurd comments to the waitresses, because nobody else was around and because they could, and were probably drunk, and they asked this one waitress for her phone number after what I seriously considered verbal sexual harassment. I only found out a few minutes later that one of them actually HAD given them her number..disgraceful.
Hot stupid girls are overrated. You've got to have beauty and brains to make it anywhere--they're just too dumb to know it yet. ;-)
I think I pulled something in my latissimus dorsi.
I just realized three things:
1. I completely missed the entire last paragraph of your entry and I don't know how.
2. You called Mike a Cyborg, and I laughed outloud.
3. You have a Flickr photogallery!!!! *foams*
1. Don't worry, nothing is wrong with your 'glabella' or the organ behind it (the brain)..because i published the first two paragraphs accidentally, and didn't realize that the last one was missing, so had to republish a few minutes later. *ha*
2. Are you serious about the latissimus?
3. Haha..keep that foam under control! I wouldn't want to get any nasty Flickr viruses from you! ;)
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